Homeschooling in Pagosa Springs
Outside of the traditional campus-based education systems, a group of students, taught by their parents, are part of a growing movement called homeschooling. There are a variety of settings, families, values, goals and available curriculum in homeschooling. Some families adhere to the schedule of local public schools; some have schedules based on chores, jobs and other variables.
An estimated 50 families homeschool in Pagosa Country. Many belong to the Pagosa Area Christian Educators, allowing them to participate in field trips, Friday School programs and at-home lessons. Many homeschoolers are encouraged to socialize with children outside of their own age groups, which challenges students to serve as role models for younger students. The newer online programs in Pagosa (Southwest Colorado eSchool and G.O.A.L. Academy) also allow for greater flexibility and options for homeschool students.
As the homeschooling trend grows throughout the nation, some people who were homeschooled, now adults, are starting a second generation of learning at home.