Archuleta Nonprofit Coalition (ANC)
Our mission is to bring nonprofit organizations together in collaboration and support of one another and to increase community awareness of the nonprofit sector in Archuleta County.
Archuleta County nonprofits provide essential services, programs, support and innovation to our community and impact the lives of many individuals in Pagosa Springs. ANC wants to continually educate the public about the sector, increase volunteerism within the community, and also work together to strengthen the necessary work that our nonprofits do within our area.
If you are interested in joining ANC and are a nonprofit, please submit a request through our Facebook group at: or also send an Email to: archuletanonprofitcoalition@g
Some of our current goals include:
1. Launching an Annual Volunteer Fair in the Spring to educate the public about our nonprofits as well as increase volunteerism within the nonprofits.
2. Design a digital map creating a visual of the nonprofit sector in Archuleta County.
3. Increase fundraising requests being awarded to Archuleta nonprofit organizations and maximize collaboration and sustainable initiatives in seeking grants.