Wolf Creek Trailblazers: Snowmobile Club

The Wolf Creek Trailblazers Snowmobile Club of Pagosa Springs, Colorado has been serving local riders for two decades. The two prime reasons for the club are to have a great time on their snowmobiles and to operate an active snow trail grooming effort. The great times come during club outings on local trails with special trips out of the area. Grooming takes place as needed according to snow fall and trail condition.
The current membership and club leaders are making progress at an all-time record pace. Older grooming machines have been traded in for up-to-date groomers with the help of an active grant acquisition effort.
Colorado has a snowmobile and off-road vehicle registration fee and a system that returns registration funds back to local communities through clubs like the Trailblazers. Clubs can apply for special need grants and for funds to operate the yearly grooming activity.
The Trailblazers have a large Bombardier groomer that grooms a thirteen-foot wide trail in one pass and a Tucker groomer for smaller, eight-foot, trails. If you have never ridden on a groomed trail in Pagosa Country, it can best be explained as an interstate highway made of snow through a breathtaking winter wonderland.
Over the last several years the southwest has experienced a prolonged drought forcing most grooming and trail riding to the highest elevation trails, usually near the summit of Wolf Creek Pass. The club grooms Wolf Creek Trail just to the west of the summit and looks forward to being able to groom on the summit one day.
With good snow the Trailblazers are permitted to groom trails on a variety of forest access roads in the area. These are shown on the map provided here. There are other commonly used trails shown that usually have a trail broken by local snowmobilers. These are not as interstate like and more of an adventure.
That’s the work. But perhaps the best part of the club are its social activities. These include the club snowmobile rides along with monthly meetings plus any special activities that may crop up from time to time. The regular meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 6:30PM at the Methodist Church. Members often meet at The Adobe, just down the street, for meals and refreshments at 5:00 or so before the meeting.
Club rides are great fun as a long line of riders snake up one of the local trails and find meadows for play. There are fast riders along with slower ones and sooner or later a group pulls over for snacks or lunch and conversation. Sometimes the party is on ten or more feet of snow!
The Trailblazers welcome guests and new members.
My wife and I just discovered the joy of snowmobiling. We think we are going to give up skiing for snowmobiling. We went on one 2 hour tour with Wolf Creeking Snowmobile Tours and are are hooked. We are from Kansas City but have a small cabin outside of Pagosa and are there alot as we are semi-retired. We are starting to look for some snowmobiles and are interested in joining the club to increase our knowledge and enjoyment. We learned of your group through Charlie Brown at the ProShed out on 160. We will be back in Pagosa in March and will come to a meeting if that is ok? See you guys then!!
Gary and Donna
P.S. Does this club do any ATVing or have any connections to ATV clubs?
ATV club http://www.pagosatrailriders.com/
Snowmobile club: http://pagosa.com/adventureguide/wolf-creek-trailblazers-snowmobile-club/
Will you have a 2 seater snowmobile available any day the week of April 5- 9? Thanks Millie Ballagh
We do not provide centralized booking services at Pagosa.com. You need to contact the business directly for booking.
I am interested in joining your club. It sounds awesome. Could you let me know how it works and what your schedule for meetings and outings are?
Look forward to hearing from you.
This is an online directory for Pagosa only. You will need to contact the organization directly with any questions.