Pagosa Springs Colorado Horseback Riding

Horseback riding options in Pagosa Country are virtually endless. Whether you are looking for day horse rental, overnight trips or you want to bring your own horse and explore, we have the facilities to accommodate your needs. With access to over 3 million acres of national forest and incredible views throughout, its no wonder the worldwide headquarters of Parelli Natural Horsemanship is based right here in Pagosa Springs.
The Pagosa Springs has many outfitters that offer horseback rides, pack trips, and hunting and fishing trips. Horses are allowed anywhere on National Forests, unless posted otherwise.
You may take horses into designated wilderness areas; but the forest service recommends using low impact camping and horse tethering methods. Please do not tie horses to trees for long periods; use hobbles or high-lines instead. Avoid wet, muddy trails to minimize damage from horse traffic. Certain trails and trailheads may not be well-suited to horse use or trailer parking. Stop by the Forest Service Office at 180 Pagosa Street in downtown Pagosa Springs for more information on recommended trails and regulations.
Please call me at 615 236 9262 for info on horse back riding
For week of August 10 – 15. We have 6 ppl in our group.
Unfortunately, we do not provide a central booking service. You will need to contact each individual outfitter directly to find out availability and pricing.
My son is 4 he’s been riding at age 3 looking for a location that does doubles and will allow him to ride
We do not do any reservations here at You will have to call each outfitter and ask them their policies. Good luck!