Muddy Boots – 50 Years of Wilderness

Blue skies, budding trees and muddy trails. We are ready to spend more time in our tents, sleeping on the ground and watching the stars pop out one by one as the night darkens. The past several weeks have been busy as snowshoe season has drawn to a close. We concluded our last week with a most wonderful group of ladies who relished long views, great food and post-holing. And, our final winter offering was spent with much the same rewards (if you consider post-holing an exceptional learned winter skill). Click to see photos from Playing in the Snow and if you want to read what one person thinks of snow skills read Joan’s Blog. April 15th is when we kick-off our summer backpacking season. We are excited about this summer because with each hike we are reminded of the value of the Wilderness Act which is 50 years old this year. Ways you can participate and celebrate are sponsored by the 50th Anniversary National Wilderness Planning Team. For the curious who want to determine where they sit with their personal wilderness values we have borrowed a survey and want you take a few moments to answer 39 questions (and we promise it won’t take but a few minutes of your time). Keep track of your YES responses and share your thoughts in the blank provided on the survey. Click for SURVEY – Know Your Personal Wilderness Values Congratulations to the many ladies and gentlemen who participated in our Leave No Trace Awareness Workshops this past month. We are proud to have shared the LNT ethic with so many interested recreationalist. Read ahead for banana bread. And if you have been waffling about making your summer backpacking reservation hurry and read about Desert Awakening. The first four registered will be rewarded with a discount. Thank you for sharing the adventure, Happy Trails! |