Catkins Are Showing

As the snow slips away from the highest mountain peaks the lower elevations have small stalks of greening grasses slipping above the clumps of dirt that lay smashed over the coldest months. As the floor of the forest transforms away from muted colors into a blanket of colorful décor, colonies of greenish-white barked trees with following eyes begin a transformation of their own.
Quietly, aspen trees (members of the Willow family) gently sway in the cooling winds of the winter months. As warmer temperatures begin to warm the branches, the male and female flowers emerge (on their own separate trees) with a cotton-like dangle (catkins) from the smallest limbs. These puffs of catkins are home to tiny seeds tipped with soft, white hairs and are dispersed with the upcoming winds. This is a sure signal that spring will soon transition to summer and the bright green of the aspen leaves will slowly stretch and form into the clattering coin sound so many are accustomed.
An unusual tree, you won’t see just one. Stands tend to be of the same age and development having matured from shoots of the same root system. Not a long living species, aspen trees begin to die, mostly from the inside out, at about 80 years old.
These slender, tall trees have a sweet inner bark that is edible in the spring and in earlier days was scraped off in long strings and eaten raw. The bitter leaf buds and young catkins are edible and rich in Vitamin C.
Days are passing one by one and the hillsides are shimmering in silver. Days from now little specs of fluorescent green will show through and then transition to a darker green that hides the trunks of this clump of trees. As you walk through the stand look for the signs of animal habitat and then take a short rest of your own beneath the branches to touch and feel and observe from the stand of aspen.
About Step Outdoors, LLC
Step Outdoors wants you to go outside and we lead individually inspired one foot in front of the other adventure pursuits to get you there. In the summer, we will tailor a first time overnight backpack or a more challenging multi-day hiking adventure just for you. Perfect for mothers and daughters, couples, families, or a group of friends, we provide a 100% guarantee of fun.
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