August Volunteer Trail Work Projects

Visit the new Pagosa Area Trail Council website –
It is the heat of the summer, but we are hopeful that monsoon season is coming and will cool the day’s we have remaining for summer projects. The Pagosa Area Trails Council (PATC), and one of its sister user groups (San Juan Backcountry Horsemen), have scheduled a couple of volunteer work projects for which we could use your help. PATC functions as one of the coordinating organization to assist with the care and maintenance of a few of the approximately 687 miles of trails that need maintenance in the Pagosa Ranger District.
Trail work is for nearly everyone. Most projects have an array of needs, from lopping to digging to building to sawing. There is a job for every volunteer – we promise.
August 6, 2016; from 0730 to 1500
Leche Creek Trail Project
Meeting Location: Archuleta County Fairgrounds
Project Summary: Come work on the trail where Kit Carson once signed his name on an aspen tree. Our focus will be cutting back overgrown brush, removing down trees and mitigating water erosion to the trail. It is approximately 4-miles to the turn around junction – we may or may not reach that junction.
Contact: Please RSVP with Stacy Boone –
August 15-19, 2016; daily from 0900 to 1600
Williams Creek Trail Turnpike Construction and Gravel Haul
Meeting Location: Williams Creek Trailhead adjacent to Palisades Horse Camp
Project Summary: FS trail crew, Rocky Mountain Regional Pack String and SJBCH pack animals will haul ~10 tons of gravel from the trailhead to the turnpike area; need trail workers to help load and unload pack animals, rake gravel, etc. Project works with FS trail crew, horses and mules, while fixing a bothersome mud hole on this popular trail.
Contact: Please RSVP with Bob Volger –
Tuesday Work Projects
If you are looking for a mid-week project, Ivo Brieven, past President of PATC, leads one or two Tuesday work trip projects each month. You can contact him at: for the next available scheduled date.
About Pagosa Area Trails Council (PATC)
The Pagosa Area Trails Council (PATC) is a volunteer run 501(c)(3) organization which functions as the clearinghouse of organization and coordination for all of the trail user groups in Pagosa Springs. This is the place where all trail users are respected and come together, work together and work to meet the goal of keeping our trails open and valuable to the entire community.
We have a number of goals in 2016. Those goals include:
• Facilitate a biannual Roundtable that includes all trail user groups
• Function as the liaison for all user groups to develop own work projects and to assist with marketing those projects in an annual calendar
• Develop a location, check-in/-out process for the community tools cache
• Implement “public land day” celebrations beginning with Public Lands Day in September 2016
• Recommend and schedule training opportunities that benefit all user groups
• Be a representative user club for hikers and the associated trail work projects
For more information, please visit