Pagosa Snowshoe Tips

The snow has been accumulating and the forest path waits. You have packed your day pack and in the back seat of your vehicle you have stowed your snowshoes and hiking poles. Filled with excitement you can’t wait to strap on your oversized shoes but, before you go follow a couple of simple rules to be safe.
• Check all your gear before you go – from the hat on your head to the shoes on your feet
• Confirm that you have packed the 10 Essentials
• Tighten your hiking poles – you don’t want any slipping
• Examine for any cracks in your snowshoe bindings
• Double check the weather and your route
• Pack an extra shirt, socks and pants in your vehicle
• Tell someone where you are going and when you will be back and have a plan if you do not arrive on time
• Take breaks to drink water and eat something
• Change clothing as necessary to avoid getting chilled
About Step Outdoors
Step Outdoors wants you to go outside and we lead individually inspired one foot in front of the other adventure pursuits to get you there. In the summer, we will tailor a first time overnight backpack or a more challenging multi-day hiking adventure just for you. In the winter, we offer snowshoe hikes appropriate for beginners and for those with a tad more experience. Perfect for mothers and daughters, couples, families, or a group of friends, we provide a 100% guarantee of fun.
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