charles100American Ski Pioneer Turns 100

Members of the Gray Wolves Ski Club of Pagosa Springs and fellow ski enthusiasts showed up at Wolf Creek Ski Area on Tuesday, November 19th to celebrate Charles Elliott’s 100 birthday.

As part of the birthday celebration the US Freestyle Ski Team, which is currently practicing at Wolf Creek, made Charles an honorary member of the US Ski Team and presented him with his official Team jacket.


Video of Colorado’s Oldest Skier, Charles Elliott, who celebrated his 100th birthday at Wolf Creek Ski Area.


As usual, Charles celebrated his birthday by going skiing, but this time he had over 150 fellow skiers cheering him on. Charles is credited as one of the pioneers of skiing in the San Juan’s and is a founder of the Wolf Creek Ski Area. He was inducted into the Colorado Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame and is a lifetime member of the National Ski Patrol which he helped found in Colorado. He is also a past president of the Gray Wolves Ski Club.

wolf creek ski
Photo Credit: Gray Wolves

When asked how he felt about his special day Charles replied “I guess it is special, it only happens every 100 years”.  Charles has skied every year since 1934, except for the five years when he served in the Air Force during World War II. He is looking forward to celebrating his 101st, on skis of course.

Wolf Creek is reporting a 38 inch base with 93% of the mountain open.  Conditions are considered to be excellent for early season! Wolf Creek is hosting the US Freestyle Mogul Team from Wednesday, November 20th, through Tuesday, November 26, with a break on Saturday, November 23rd. The practice run is on Alberta Face; and visible on the ride up the Treasure Stoke lift! The National Freestyle Mogul Team will be announced and the team will sign autographs at The Springs in Pagosa on Saturday afternoon.

View original 100th Birthday Celebration story on